Homeopathy is a wonderful healing art with verifiable laws of
cure. Unique in approach it is poles apart from the traditional systems of treatment. It is sometimes said that to understand homeopathy one has to unlearn what one knows about the dominant system of medicine and acquire an entirely new frame of mind based upon principles of understanding. The points given below justify this statement to a great extent.

● Homeopathic medicines, called remedies, are potentized from simple substances like metals, minerals, compounds, herbal essences, bio-products, venom and disease wastes.

● Homeopathic remedies require insignificant amounts of the material substances from which they are prepared, so that a gram of the substance (say common salt) would be sufficient to cure the entire population of the world, many times over for centuries, presuming every human being suffered from the symptoms of Natrum Muriaticum.

● Homeopathic remedies work on the principle of single minimum dose so that only a single globule of a remedy acts as its full dose when indicated.

● A single dose of the homeopathic remedy works to cure formdays, weeks and months depending upon the nature of the medical substance and the potency; it need not be repeated if correctly prescribed.

● Homeopathic remedies have no date of expiry so that they can be used indefinitely if properly saved. A vial of Tuberculenum Bovinum prepared by Dr. Kent in the beginning of the last century is still used in the preparation of the potencies of this medicine.

● Homeopathic remedies have a very wide sphere of action. All  known and yet to be known mental and physical ailments, including emergency and traumatic ills, fall within their range. They are equally effective for men, women and children of all
ages and are useful for pets and poultry alike. 

● Homeopathic remedies are easy to carry along. A compact pack of the two hundred commonly used remedies weighing just a kilogram can be conveniently taken even to the top of Mt. Everest.

1 comment:

  1. Actually i knows about Homeopathy medicine is better than other than medicine products, this is more essential for human beings. sometimes a man can be suffer from a disease, there case medicine is more require.
    Home Homeopathy
