What is Homeopathy?

      If you want to find answers to these questions, this site will help explore these questions step by step! It will lead you through minute details of these questions and thousands of other things that you would like to learn about Homeopathy. Bookmark it and keep visiting it.

       Homeopathy is a scientific system of health preservation and restoration. In a way it is the only scientific system in this respect in the ultimate sense. It was discovered at the end of the eighteenth century by the famous German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.
       Because of its scientific features and health restoring capabilities, Homeopathy soon became popular among the people. In a short span of a few decades, it began to be practiced by the homeopaths all over the world, particularly in Britain, united States and India. However, being a new entrant in the field of medical therapeutics, it was mostly known as the alternative system of medicine.       
        Homeopathy is based on three fundamental laws of cure which have been tested time and again since their discovery by Dr. Hahnemann. Simply described, these laws are as follows:

       1.The most important of these is SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTUR which means that a symptom or set of symptoms in a sick person is cured by a substance capable of producing similar symptom or set of symptons in a healthy individual. Just think about this statement and try to know what it indicates!

       2.The second law states that a minimum dose of the rightly selected (similar to the symptoms of the sick) remedy is required to affect the cure. It means that the sick is not to be stuffed with the medicinal substance to get well. Only a very small dose of the medicinal substance with minimum quantity, or no quantity of it, at all is required. This statement is full of meanings for the restoration of health; think about them!

       3.The third law is that of single dose. It means that the sick is not to be repeatedly given the medicinal substance to affect the cure. Only a single dose of the smallest magnitude of the rightly indicated (similar) remedial substance is normally sufficient to lead to perfect recovery of the sick.

 It indicates that:
  • It does not follow the allopathic or Ayurvedic rule of curing a symptom or set of symptoms with a substance producing opposite symptoms in a healthy individual.
  • It does not permit feeding large quantities of chemical/ bio chemical medicines to the patients jeopardizing their body systems by opening them up to unwanted side effects and risky reactions.
  • It does adopt the practice of using crude chemical substances as medicines but uses them in their more effective dynamic form.
  • To summarize, reverse your minds and think differently while knowing about homeopathy. In almost all respects, it the opposite of other systems!
 What next?

This site makes elaborate efforts to explain these principles and peculiarities of the wonderful system of Homeopathy for the benefit of new learners. Those who are interested in knowing about it may click one of the links below. The link PRINCIPLES explains the rules of Homeopathy as enunciated by Dr. Hahnemann and other stalwarts of the system. The REMEDIES link describes the main action of the Homeopathic substances in term of their symptoms on healthy human beings as listed by the masters.




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