● Homeopathy is about two hundred years old. The Organon was published in 1810.

● Homeopathy is a law based scientific healing art which has one of the largest treasures of medical literature.

● Homeopathic medicines work at an ultra material plane which is still an enigma for the modern science to explain.

● Homeopathic remedies are not toxic for they contain no material substance in them but only the imprints of the substances from which they are prepared.

● The higher the potency of the homeopathic remedies the lesser the material they have in them.

● Only one homeopathic remedy prescribed at a time is capable of taking care of the total health disorder of the sick, that is to say, its action is not localized to a specific part or complaint but it extends to the entire organism.

● Homeopathic remedies often work to cure continuously for weeks and months depending upon their potency and the substance from which they have been prepared.

● Higher the potency of the homeopathic remedy, the longer they work.

● Homeopathic remedies work independent of the quantity administered so that one pill taken at a time works as long and as much effectively as ten of them.

● Homeopathic medicines do not expire for long periods of time provided they are properly preserved.

● Homeopathy does not recognize disease nor does it claim to remove it. Therefore, it does not have to depend upon tests and diagnosis for the prescription of its remedies.

● Homeopathy is an individualized art of healing which seeks to restore health to the sick according to the symptoms of the case.

● Homeopathic remedies work through direct contact (with the tongue and other mucous outlets of the body) and not through the process of assimilation (inside the stomach).

● Homeopathic remedies act faster than any other medicines for they work upon the nerves as quick as lightening.

● Homeopathic remedies start healing from center to the periphery so that the sick would feel internally relieved before the external symptoms disappear.

● The individualized cure provided by homeopathy necessitates detailed probing into the condition of the sick making case taking a lengthy and tedious process.

● The symptom based homeopathic method of treatment is capable of curing almost any type of health problem in a routine manner and with the same proven remedies as are used in routine cases. It does not seek test reports to kill the mischievous micro-organisms, but simply makes the human body an inhospitable place for them to live in by changing its temper and tone.

● Homeopathy works as fine on children and new-born as on the adults. The kids being blooming young, respond rather more effectively to the homeopathic remedies.

● Homeopathy is a trusted friend of the women for they offer effective cure for their peculiar female problems.

● Homeopathy does not support injections and operations; not even external applications of the indicated medicines. Its soft and sweet cane sugar pills are administered on the tongue.

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