How to increase lifespan

     Interpreting lifespan should not be misinterpreted. Many strong opinions to the contrary, it can be definitely increased. "Can be increased" should not also be misunderstood. It does not mean increasing indefinitely but relatively within the given challenges of the condition in which the humans in general and the individuals in particular are placed. If these challenges are taken care of partially or completely, the chances of living longer are increased proportionally. Life system is very rigid. Living beings including humans are not so fragile that they die at the blow of wind. How hard it is to cease to live is better known to them who somehow wish to end their lives. Therefore prolonging life means to eliminate challenges and build up support system like positive attitude, exercise and timely medicine.

    The first of these challenges is the risk of accidental mishaps which claim many lives on daily basis. Though one cannot do much about them yet they can be minimized and avoided to a great extent by taking preventive and protective measures at social and individual level. The second big reason of death is diseases like heart trouble, cancer and epidemics. Factors like idiosyncrasies of lifestyle, malnutrition, social pressures and the type of general attitude towards death are also contributory risks to life. But all these constituents of human condition withstanding, how to make our efforts to carry the journey of life to the dead end with minimal suffering and discomfort? I have no hard and fast prescription for it but generally follow this procedure. I have nothing to prove the efficacy of this procedure but instant result I get are ominous and encouraging. 

1. I think that the greatest challenge to life is not disease but fear of disease and death which no one can escape even by counselling and self-suggestion. To keep myself free of any general of specific fear about my health, I take a globule of the Bach Flower Remedy Mimulus. Whenever I feel some of my symptoms becoming chronic or indisposing me in a serious manner I take this remedy. I take once only for I do not feel the need of taking it again. It has wards off my troubles before they emerge and provides me an instant feeling of health. It has shielded me even from the Covid-19 epidemics for I did not experience its terror like other people around me.

2. To ward off a sudden trauma from any reason, big or small, I take a pill of the Bach Flower Remedy Rescue Remedy. I make it a point to keep a vial of this remedy in my pocket at all the times. Whenever I have any reason to believe that some sudden shocking incident or disturbing mental emotion is bothering me more than it should, take a small sugary pill of this remedy. It has always stood by me doing positive benefit. Even at night if my sleep is disturbed by an untimely phone ring, I do take it and sleep quietly again. The Bach Flower Remedies being flowery essences, are entirely herbal preparations, therefore, the have no habit forming or other negative effect. I have written a complete book on this system which can be highly beneficial in improving health prospects.

3. The homeopathic counterpart of the above two remedies is Aconite Napples. It is the perfect replica of emergency and accident. I have not seen as many crisis symptoms in any other remedy as this one has. It covers the elements of suddenness, shock, fear, discomfort, restlessness, inconsolable crying, dancing of death before the eyes, extreme thirst, paleness of face, fear of crowd and suffocation. If someone asks me about a single useful remedy that should be kept in pocket for all sorts of crises situations, I would recommend Aconite without hesitation. I do not keep it all the time in my pocket but would suggest everyone carries it along with the Rescue remedy. I generally use it once in the 30th potency. Once I chewed a full red chillies while taking a dinner of Chines food. I s tarted suffering from a burning pain in the mouth and a terrible fear of having an inflamed stomach in the morning. I took a globule of Aconite Napples-30 which stopped the burning pain instantly and allayed the fears of a gastric complication later on.

4. There are a few more remedies which are also useful in this respect but they are to be prescribed with detailed symptomatic examination. They will be taken up in a subsequent blog post. Keep checking my blog

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