How to Challenge Old Age and Live Longer?


With the advancement of age, particularly on reaching or crossing 80, many people start worrying about death. Some develop concern for long life and others fear of the death. Based on this psyche, grow numerous forms of sicknesses which increase their sufferings. Those for whom death is a real concern and a formidable issue, will get rid of this negative thought if the take the Bach Flower remedy Mimulus, (four drops in water three times a day) regularly for a few days in the beginning and then occasionally. There are other Bach Flower and Homeopathic remedies as well which can be helpful depending upon specific symptoms of the sick person. In addition to that the individuals approaching old age need to take extra precautions regarding their diet and lifestyle in order to be fit to face the challenges of the waning years. The most important of them is to reconcile their thinking with the human situation in general. They should :

  1. Realize that nothing is permanent in the world so all things must perish here including the Sun and the Moon, so all human beings.
  2. The composition of the living body, its 60% water and 40% other earthly compounds must disintegrate continuously according to the inbuilt clock in an objective manner which is inevitable and independent of human control.
  3. Death is not an individual misfortune but a natural phenomenon that affects life universally therefore it has to be accepted gracefully.
  4. It is a calm and relieving phenomenon that comes like sleep after a long span of life activity; therefore it should not be taken as a painful incident driving you out of life but as a duly earned reward for playing a life-long part in the on-going drama of the world.
  5. Therefore, do not be afraid of death for it does not occur as suddenly and as easily as you think.
  6. Do not burden your mind of the idea of death but keep making advance arrangements for a normal and quiet exit out of the world at the end of your journey.
  7. Think more in terms of duties than in terms of rights which is possible if you adopt the principle of “living more for others than for yourself”.
  8. As far as possible, do all your things, including small daily chores, yourself.
  9. Do not over-exert, call others for help if it is beyond you to do something.
  10. And the most important of all- think you are young and demonstrate it by helping others when possible. 

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